Monday, May 4, 2009


It ihas been interesting to me that in the categories of Types-of-Spirits, Spirit-Energies, and Energy-Events are going largely unnoticed and have been for some time. These events are:

1. Listening to the Voices of the Dead.
2. VLF Radio
3. The Conet project
4. Listening to the Voices of Planets
5. Astral Travel to Planets

1.Listening to the Voices of the Dead (Cat: Typres-of-Spirits, Spirits-Energies, & Energy-Events). Dr. Constantine Raudive found a way to listen to and record spiris talking. There is only one book on the subject and one CD. Also there is a device that can be hooked up to a tape recorder that will give you this recording ability. Cost: $19.00-$55.00

2.LF Radio (Cat: Energy-Events) LF Radio is basically that part of AM radio that exists below 550 AM on your radio dial. There is a whole world out there of people who use it and it is is very weird. The Syndic is considering broadcasting on this frequency once all the equipment and resources are fully understood and gathered up.

3.The Conet Project (Cat: Energy-Events) From the last 45 years or so strange SW (Short Wave)

4.VLF Radio (Cat: Spirits-Energies, Energy Events). It is not generally know that Moons and planets as well as stellar sources transmite radio waves. One of the “noisiest and most frequent is the planet Jupiter. A group of Scientists

5.Astral Travel to Planets: (Energy Events; Spirit-Energies). Psychometry is using your own human touch to get close, to communicate with those waves of astral energy that strongly hang on to materials. Thus I have found out that by doing this, it is possible to astrally travel to Mars or the Moon and then more importantly begin some form of direct contact with the sentient spirit ruler of the planet of moon, Itself. And this is a totally amazing experience.

So here we have 5 different forms of dealing with spirituality, the unknown, and allof the these forms sharing a strong similiarity ---Energy Waves. It is my view that the study and use of Energy Waves IS THE BRIDGE between Science & Metaphysics, and is the Bridge between Matter and Immaterial Existence, (sometimes now called Zero Based Energies)

By holding these stated concepts as true and verifiable, and by believing that Human Evolution has sped up to an amazing degree and is continuing to speed up, and having read Arthur C Clarke’s books on Human Evolution including 3001, and seeing that the Mayan Calender is really hinting at “There will be a human evolution which is beyond our ability to understand, THE SYNDIC is going to help move this forward and balance its own knowledge realm with a forthcoming website:


Hopefully, it will bring together people who are interested in ULTIMATE STEAMPUNK, which as a field of knowing is yearning for a mating with WEIRD SCIENCE and METAPHYSCS. It’s a realm that is not dangerous, but is quite amazing.

Being confronted by a planetary spirit or inserting oneself into actual energy patterns is very much like what a friend of mine said decades ago when we were doing the ‘Car-talk thing”….”Once you get Power Windows, you never go back…”
With me on The Night Rider as technical consultant, is my good friend and cousin, David “Dick” Kaiser, who is a leading expert in the entire field of study of both Radio & Light Waves, and who has won many awards and much praise for his research in these areas.

The Night Rider should be up and running within the next 6 weeks, although the ideas are so spectacular that it may take slightly longer.
The Night Rider will be Library, Laboratory, Communications Center, and Human Cross Roads.

Saving the ecology of the planet Earth is a wonderful, necessary, and immediate thing to do, but can we do this without beginning a real non-metaphor, hard-core actual conversation with the rest of our awake and conscious solar system, or simply put, must we?

Our Answer and participations have to be absolutely real. Now is the time to begin.

A Message from The Syndic


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